[September 1, 2024] I am currently migrating my blog away from WordPress. I am trying to keep all url's and content the same. This is a work in progress. The old WordPress website is archived and available at https://archive.bartslinger.com. This is all in markdown now, which is awesome. Maybe I blog about that later.
SD Logger V2 Concept Description
This describes a concept for a new SDLogger, so we can discuss it before it is actually implemented. New logger uses the previously committed sdcard_spi peripheral. It also uses pprzlog_transport for transporting messages. The logger itself is a device to which paparazzi messages can be written, like this:
`DOWNLINK_SEND_IMU_ACCEL_SCALED(pprzlog_tp, sdlogger_spi, data...);`
Thereby it is possible to send messages at anytime from anywhere in the code. Although it is not really DOWNLINK, this
macro is generally used to direct messages to a device. In this case, the device is an SD Logger. I would also be fine
with using pprz_msg_send_MESSAGE();
And the logger is implemented as a module. Its periodic tasks is to run the sdcard
periodic task.
By implementing it as a device like this, it is also easy to make it compatible with periodic "telemetry".
All bytes of a block on the SDCard are used (512 bytes). Messages may be split over subsequent blocks. To have some sort of a filesystem, a few blocks at the beginning can be reserved to contain information on present data. Thereby, it should be possible to start a new log without overwriting the previous one.
TODO: Describe how data is retrieved from the SDCard and sent over by true telemetry.
Modified/new files
| |-sdlogger_spi.h
| |-sdlogger_spi.c
| |-datalink.h
Below is the general idea/concept of each file
#include "sdcard_spi.h"
struct sdlogger_spi {
uint8_t buffer[64]; ///< Number is a fraction of 512. Data copied to sdcard-buffer when full.
uint16_t buf_idx;
uint16_t ore; ///< Overrun error counter.
struct link_device device;
* If SDCard is busy writing, return number of bytes left in sdlogger_spi.buffer.
* Else, return total number of bytes left in both SDCard buffer and sdlogger_spi.buffer (64)
bool_t sdlogger_spi_check_free_space(struct sdlogger_spi *p, uint8_t len);
* Put the byte in the SDCard buffer directly.
* If SDCard is currently busy (writing previous data), put it in the sdlogger_spi.buffer
* When SDCard is no longer busy, copy sdlogger_spi.buffer content to SDCard buffer.
void sdlogger_spi_put_byte(struct sdlogger_spi *p, uint8_t data);
static void null_function(struct sdlogger_spi *p __attribute__((unused))) {}
// Initialization function
void sdlogger_spi_init(struct sdlogger_spi *p)
// Set structure initial values, including .device functions
// These are called from functions in pprzlog_transport.c
p->device.periph = (void *)p;
p->device.check_free_space = (check_free_space_t)sdlogger_spi_check_free_space;
p->device.put_byte = (put_byte_t)sdlogger_spi_put_byte;
p->device.send_message = (send_message_t)null_function;
p->device.char_available not used atm
p->device.get_byte not used atm
+ #include "sdlogger_spi.h"
+ #endif
Defines required
Usage example imu.c
// Already present (in many files):
#include "subsystems/datalink/telemetry.h" ///<< Includes datalink.h << Now includes sdlogger_spi.h
DOWNLINK_SEND_IMU_ACCEL_SCALED(pprzlog_tp, sdlogger_spi, data...);
Bart Slinger - August 16, 2015 at 1:04 pm
Got feedback from Felix to use pprz_msg_send_MESSAGE(); instead of the DOWNLINK_SEND_* macro.